Any fungus of the family Geastraceae; in form suggesting a puffball whose outer peridium splits into the shape of a star. g家族的任何一种菌类;外形上象马勃菌,其外部的包被分裂成星状。
A genus of fungus of the family moniliaceae; causes ringworm. 丛梗孢科的真菌的属;造成癣。
"Cup fungus: any of various ascomycetous fungi, especially of the family pezizaceae, characterized by a spore-bearing structure that is often stalkless and cup-shaped or disk-shaped." “盘菌:任一种子囊菌纲真菌,尤指盘菌科真菌,其特征为有一个胚状结构,通常无柄并成杯状或盘状。”
Shelf fungus are a large group of terrestrial fungi in the family of Polypores. 层孔菌是属于多孔菌科的一类真菌。
Main growing mode of edible fungus industry as a rising-sun trade in our country is at present farmers 'family cultivation, which is often limited by some factors such as infection of bacteria, unstable output and fungus qualification and so on. 作为朝阳行业的食用菌产业,目前国内主要经营模式是农民散户栽培,普遍受染菌率高、产量不稳、菌类品质不稳定等因素制约。